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What are these tiny bumps on penis?

They are Fordyce Spots. They are naturally occurring, not from a virus, and not contagious. Most guys have some if not many. We just don’t notice them on others because we are not staring at them from the close range like we do our own genitals. They often appear in adolescence.
Sebaceous Glands (Fordyce's Spots) – Doctor V.
Fordyce spots are more easily visible when the skin is stretched, and many patients may describe them as a lump that appears during an erection. Spots may also appear on the scrotum. Some patients may be able to express a thick, chalky discharge by squeezing the lump. Fordyce spots may also appear in other areas such as at the vermillion border of the lips when, if seen, can help reassure the patient that they are a normal anatomical variant that does not require any treatment.

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